Revitalize your website without breaking the bank.

DO you NEED to UPDATE your WEBSITE but have NO TIME (or interest)?

I’ve got you 💪🏻

I will either teach you how to do the thing, or do the thing for you, depending on your time and budget. There are three options available. DIY (do it yourself), DWY (done with you) and DFY (done for you).

You can take my micro course for $49 or hire me to get it all done for you in one week for $1000.

Let me handle the intricacies of SEO so you can focus on what you do best – being creative and connecting with your audience.

I start with an audit so we can decide what level of support suits you best.

Three options are available

SEO Audit

Free for a quick scan, $100 for a 30 min detailed recorded zoom where I outline everything I recommend you do.

Then you decide your next move.

DIY SEO Course (coming soon!)

The course will be $49 but getting on the waitlist is free.

Download a worksheet from the waitlist to get started.

SEO Refresh done for you

I Do it All, You Chill (DFY)

Total SEO refresh done for you $1000.

Your quick solution to get found in organic search! I’ll do a complete refresh of your online presence in one week. More website traffic guaranteed or you get a full refund.

I’m friendly, but I’m picky when it comes to your online presence. I know all the tricks for getting found online. I can save you time and make the changes quickly.


coming SOON

affordable and ACTIONABLE

GO at YOUR own PACE coming SOON affordable and ACTIONABLE

I got more SEO work done in a few sessions with Suzanne than I would have in a year on my own.”

~ Alison @ Soulfire Studios

WHY me?

SEO and technical support for entrepreneurs

In the words of the famous Jon Montgomery, “why not me?”

I have been getting businesses and websites found on Google for over ten years. I have worked extensively with Wordpress, Wix and Squarespace. In addition to a first-page-on-google photography business, I built a tourism company and sustained a top ten activity in Vancouver position for many years, all without paying for ads.

How? By optimizing my exposure online and doing all the SEO stuff. Now I want to help you do the same!

As a Squarespace Circle member I offer clients a six month trial period. If you’re upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1, I can help you navigate the learning curve (or do it all for you).


A space for you to get things done.

Everything we do is a workshop not a masterclass. No webinars here.

You will learn a skill, and then use the skill. We do it live. My hope is for you to leave having moved the needle. If you get inspired to do more, fantastic, but if you only come to these sessions you will emerge closer to your goal.

Tech talks combine my love of teaching, technology and empowering entrepreneurs!


  • I got you!!

    I have a fully supported VIP day option where we do all the things, together, in four hours. On or offline.

    You will get a one page website, Google Business Profile, photos (if we are physically close), Canva graphics, a font, colour and logo.

  • Feel free to get in touch and explain your situation so I can help you decide which option is best suited for your time, budget and state of business.

  • I guarantee that if you follow the steps you will get more website traffic. I am so confident in this work, that I will refund you if you do NOT.

    We take a measurement of your traffic before starting work together, and then again at the end or shortly thereafter. If traffic remains unchanged or goes down, you qualify for a refund.

    You are expected to complete the specific tasks given to you, which could look like writing, posting, or soliciting reviews.

“The first step to getting what you want is having the
courage to get rid of what you don't”